Friday, 17 August 2012

Edinburgh Fringe 2012

Each year in August, Edinburgh is the Mecca for performers. Celebrating the best (and worst) of theatre, comedy and anything else you could probably put on a stage, this city really has a 24 hour buzz about it.

This year there were about 2,800 performances of various things in styles, from Shakespeare to Sausage eating on stage.

In the spare time that I had off, I managed to take some snaps, some by Instagram, and some with my 600d. Hopefully you can tell the difference.

Here are a selection of shots from the 2 week stay which hopefully encapsualte the feel of the place. Walking down the Royal Mile in March or November I'm sure would be very different. Hopefully these pictures will tell their own story!

During the time that I had there, I managed to climb Arthur's Seat, (the highest point in Edinburgh and also an extinct volcano) and visit North Berwick, a beautiful coastal town about 30 minutes by train from Edinburgh.

If you have never been to the fringe, or even Edinburgh, you must go; it is fairly small city considering it is a capital city, but full of culture and Scottish people!

North Berwick, approaching dusk.

Olympic fever reaches Scotland!

 Edinburgh Castle in the background on the hill, and Edinburgh Waverley station in the fore.
Dedicated window cleaners at the Pleasance Dome.

After 5 minutes of being in Ed, this is one of the more 'normal' sights to behold.
Cool church on Princes Street, just off St Andrew's Square. I just call it Thunderbird 3. 
I don't know how effective this would be against the freezing, roaring North Sea.
From the foot of the clock tower at Edinburgh Castle.

Just to distinguish, the above were taken from my phone, and edited in Instagram.
Love the lonely figure at the bottom of the alley... Narrow aperture makes it look spooky!


Highest gig at the fringe on Arthur's seat! Watched a comedy gig!
 Fishing/lobster baskets in North Berwick

This guy was from Redditch!

Best picture I took whilst in Edinburgh. The Police are so relaxed in Scotland.

I asked these lads if they were in a show, and they said no. They should be. I somehow got talking to these two, and they were hilarious. Edinburgh's version of The Flight of The Concords.

These guys were rocking, I think they were father and son.

The sun setting on my Scottish adventure.

North Berwick.

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