Saturday, 30 June 2012

Day 27


Today was about shifting some things around in the attic, as I am in the process of redecorating.
I found these things up there - and these games used to give me purpose to get through the day! NHL '96 was a PC game I used to play religiously when I was around 11 years old. Before computers - I would play Subbuteo until the cows would come home. I found about 20 different teams, and here are some of the most memorable! I also have a full size pitch, goalposts, floodlight, stands with mini people, and advertising boards! Subbuteo must have kept me quiet years! Then Bill Gates came along and we all feared we would get the 'millenium bug'.

Day 28


Flash floods hit the UK today, but fortunately I wasn't affected. Businesses and Homes were ruined across the region, and the main thing I was bothered about was being at work without being at work without being able to document it!

I heard reports that back home at midday the water was knee deep on my road - but by the time I had got back the water had receeded and everything looked normal!

At work I noticed the lake in the car park threatening our cars at one point, and as the rain was coming down so quickly, I thought I'd need to get the bus home.

Day 29


As I didn't shoot anything today, here is one I made earlier..
A cheeky Tulip popped up early last spring, right in the middle of our lawn. Sadly, it had to go!

Day 30


Well I have been blogging for over four weeks now, and looking back through the shots, there is a varied bunch! I have really enjoyed using my wide angle lens this month, you can be very creative with it if you take a few risks.

Here are some pics with that same lens of our newly furnished 'guest room'.

 Holding the camera above my head, with the wide angle creates a disprportionate effect - kind of like a CCTV effect which I like. And I'm only small.

R E S P E C T!!

I just tried to type that as quick as it's sung, but I failed.

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