Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Haunted House...


Day 6

Managed to get up this morning! Even got to work early to show how keen I was. This morning I was frantically trying to find my work boots - and expected a telling off when I turned up without them. When I got there, they were sitting in the spot where I must have left them, over 12 months ago! Luckily the people at work hadn't thrown them out.

When I got home tonight I played around with my camera trying to achieve a ghostlike style, using long exposures that capture blur if there is movement in the scene, and out of focus shots, to add mystery. Sometimes an accidental bad shot can look even better than what you set out for. Initially I wanted to try doing some self-portraits tonight, but its very difficult to get yourself framed correctly. Here's what I've been doing in my spare time tonight!

Hope you don't get nightmares now...


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